
As hard as he tried, he just didn’t grasp the meaning of what she said.
Macro Photography

“I’m not talking about that any more with you.” She was mad that her friend kept bringing it up.
Public Events

It was the little things.
You had to pay attention. They were always listening. Watching most of the time. He wondered about the person who had to transcribe everything.
Macro Photography

It had been two days now. What was wrong with him? Did she misunderstand something?
Still Life?

I was surprised by that last move. It threw me off my game. I wasn’t sure what to do.

His night life was getting to be too much. He couldn't keep the charade up much longer.

He needed them to acknowledge that he was not like all the others. He was different. They had to know that.

He thought long and hard about the next step. It was not the time to guess. He had to make the right move.

It arrived too early and got burned around the edges. The moment seemed right. Something went terribly wrong.
Macro Photography
While posting on Instagram, I started adding a narrative to the image, instead of a title or description.
These sentences were often about a state of mind, or an emotion, or a suspended action. This told a short story even if the relationship between image and statement was not always clear.